In bitcoin, there is one mode of dealing, which is a bitcoin contract transaction, and leverage is a tool for contract transactions, which can be magnified in terms of the value of investors' transactions, and also in terms of benefits and risks that can be understood as leverage as a tool to magnify investors' profits, and therefore is favoured by investors, with five times leverage, 10 times leverage, etc., and, of course, 100 times leverage in this paper. Investors who want to make bitcoat 100 leverages on Bitcoin contracts are more concerned about how to calculate the gain of the bitcoin contract by 100 times.
Bitcoin's 100-fold leverage is a factor of leverage in a bitcoin futures contract, i.e. a 100-fold increase in the amount of bitcoin invested by investors, and, at the same time, a significant increase in investment risk. The leverage formula is as follows: actual leverage times = (a multiple of a warehouse deposit* contract)/total funds.
Gains are calculated by first calculating the total value of the bitcoins invested by the investor, and then calculating the gain on the basis of the price fluctuations of the bitcoins. If the price of bitcoins rises, investors will receive 100 times the return; conversely, if the price of bitcoins falls, investors will also bear 100 times the loss.
At present, many exchanges are able to calculate 100 times the leverage gains of the Bitcoin contract directly online, as follows:
1, Contract Calculator
If you are not familiar with the calculation of your contract earnings and it is not clear at what price you can obtain the desired benefit or stop the loss, you can use the contract calculator to simplify your calculation process.
2- Calculate your earnings by selecting your type of contract: multiple or empty. Select your leverage number, enter your opening price, level your storage price, and the number of openings.
For example, you now have a BTCUSD that has a four-fold leverage policy for the week. Your opening price is 7164 USD/BTC, and your opening price is 1BTC, converted into 7164*1/100 = 71 units, with a face value of $100/barrel and a full intercept.
则您的保证金=面值*张数/开仓价格/杠杆倍数=71*100/7164/4=0.2477 BTC
= 71*100/7164/4=0.2477 BTC
When you want to level 8000 USDD, your earnings = (face * number / opening price & ndash; face * number / level ) = (71*100/7164 & ndash; 71*100/000) = 0.1035
Rate of return = gain/guaranty = 0.1035/0.2477 = 41.80 per cent
Maker fee = face value * number * warehouse price * fee rate (due to your user grade)
1, do more
Take the example of BTC/USDT leverage (USDT vs. US dollar, 1 USDT = US$1) as an example of how Bitcoin leverage works. Assuming that Bitcoin has a current price of $10,000, and you predict that prices will rise in the near future, then you can choose to do more.
If you have only 10,000 USDT principals, the platform is three times leveraged, and you can borrow another 20,000 USDTs from a trading platform, then the principal is now 30,000 USDTs; if it is five times USDT, it is 90,000 USDT… & Hellip; and so on.
If you don't use leverage to buy three bits of coin, then sell it when it reaches 20,000 bitcoins, and get 60,000 bitcoins, deduct 10,000 principals and 20,000 loans, and earn 30,000 dollars. If you don't use leverage, you go straight to the spot deal (coin exchange) and buy a bitcoins, you only get 10,000.
Of course, if the judgement fails and the bitcoin falls to 5000 USDT, the currency transaction will lose only 5,000 USDT, while the leverage transaction will lose 15,000 USDT.
Still, in the case of the BTC/USDT 3-fold leveraged transaction, the price of Bitcoin is now 20,000 USDT one, and if you think that Bitcoin's price will fall to 10,000 USDT and you have the principal $10,000 USDT, then you can borrow a bitcoin from the platform (only empty currency), sell it when the Bitcoin price is 20,000 USDT, then buy it back to the platform when the Bitcoin price is 10,000 USDT, so that you can make a profit of 10,000 USDT. Bitcoin leveraged transactions actually magnify the gains, but also the risks.
The above is a detailed answer to the question of how a Bitcoin 100-fold leverage on a Bitcoin contract is calculated. If investors are to make the Bitcoin contract work, they need to understand the changes in the Bitcoin market, choose a reliable bitcoin exchange and develop an effective risk management strategy. Investors can effectively control investment risk by limiting the volume of transactions, setting down price losses, using leverage to ensure that their investments are not lost, and when leverage is used, the expenditure on cash flows is likely to increase, and investors need to reflect carefully on these issues.
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