浅析 | 矿工的生存现状以及挖矿投资的未来前景

资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:57 评论:0
挖矿行业寻找新的机会 Mining to find new opportunities 挖矿行业作为区块链行业产业链的上游,起着搭建基础设施的作用,同时也给市场提供了很多的财富机会。区块链近年发展迅...



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Mining to find new opportunities


At the same time, the growing number of block-chain projects reflects, on the other hand, the extent to which the current market, as a technology, supports the mining industry’s heat.


At the end of 2019, the mood was low. According to the data from the ponds, as of 24 December 2019, based on the output of the electric fee of 0.38 yuan/degree, 0.000001942 BTC/T/day, the mining machines M3, Avalon A741, E9+ wing, T9+ ant, etc. were connected to each other; the miner industry market was reshuffled, and the arithmetic and low-capacity mine machinery became a trend from this point on and a new light was brought to the miner industry.


is constantly changing, and the mining industry is still upstream


Looking back in the first half of 2020, under the double test of the global epidemic and the halving of Bitcoin, the ring has come up with new opportunities for a change. Compared to the performance of the world’s major assets this year, Bitcoin’s current prices are at a low rate of up to 190% compared to its mid-year low, while the US-Dow Jones Index, gold, and the A-plus are currently at a low rate of 49%, 36%, and 28%, respectively, compared to mid-year.


After the CPU, FGPA, GPU, ASIC, and other emerging forces, such as the CDN and IPFS mining, the industry is going through a cycle of evolution. The mining industry relies on technology, and the mining industry attracts a large number of users to engage in safe and robust bottom-building. Following the 3-12 Black Swan incident, the mining industry has entered a recovered high-speed route, not only to recover its industry, but also to continue to show a upward trend, in which miners enjoy considerable benefits.


So, what are the benefits of using their >


The return on investment and the return cycle are calculated below in the form of mining by BTC, ETH, LTC and FILcoin.

01. BTC(比特币)挖矿

01. BTC (bitcoin) Mining

比特币是由中本聪提出的一种P2P形式的加密数字货币。比特币总量有着4年减半的规则。目前一个1个比特币基于目前的数据结构被分割到8个小数位,也就是0.00000001 BTC,矿工们挖到比特币最小的单位就是0.00000001 BTC。

Bitcoin is an encrypted digital currency in the form of a P2P, proposed by China. The amount of bitcoin has the rule of halving it by four years. Currently, one bitcoin is divided into eight decimal places, or 0.000001 BTC, based on the current data structure. Miners dig the smallest unit in bitcoin, or 0.000001 BTC.


BTC has the title of “gold” in encrypted currency. The BTC mine-digging machines typically include ants S19, ants T19, M31S, M20S, Avalon 1146, Wing E12, Jaguar F5M and so on. The cost and benefit cycles are calculated for only some of the models:

截止计算之前,BTC均价为 19111.49美元,约合人民币125442.19元。

Until the date of calculation, the average price of BTC was $19111.149, or RMB 125442.19.


02.ETH(Etheria) Mining

以太坊(Ethereum)是将比特币中的一些技术和概念运用于计算领域的一项创新,利用了很多跟比特币类似的区块链技术和 P2P 网络维护一个共享的计算平台,这个平台可以灵活且安全地运行用户想要的任何程序,更具兼容性。

Etheeum is an innovation in applying some of the technologies and concepts in Bitcoin to the area of computing, using a number of block chain technologies similar to Bitcoin and the P2P network to maintain a shared computing platform that is flexible and safe to run any programs that users want and is more compatible.


The following table shows the return on investment in ETH mining:

截止计算之前,ETH价格为 596.13美元,折合人民币3913元。

Prior to the
cut-off, the ETH price was $596.13, equivalent to RMB 3913.


03.LTC(Letcoin) mining


Latcoin is a network currency based on “peer-to-peer” technology and an open-source software project licensed under MIT/X11. Latcoin is an improved digital currency inspired by bitcoin, which maximizes the shortcomings that Bitcoin has already demonstrated before, such as slow transaction recognition, low volume ceilings, workload certification mechanisms leading to the emergence of large deposits, and the SHA256 algorithm.


The following table shows the income from the LTC mining investment:

截止计算之前,LTC价格为 86.4374美元,折合人民币567.41元。

Prior to the calculation, the LTC price was US$ 86.4374, equivalent to RMB 567.41.


04.Fillcoin mine


Filecoin is a distributed storage network based on the IPFS protocol, which guarantees that data can be stored in a distributed way, free of restrictions imposed by centralised Internet companies.


Filecoin provides benefits for honest miners through block incentives and service charges, while also providing incentives for miners to provide quality services through pledge and forfeiture mechanisms.


Filecoin block incentives were halved by six years and, during the testing period, $4 million was distributed to miners on their network, triggering the interest of miners in mining.


filacoin mining information

全网有效存储: 0.876 EiB

Web-wide storage: 0.876 EiB

当前最新区块: 231287

Current latest block: 231287

当前出块时间: 30.6 s

Current time out: 30.6 s

活跃矿工数量: 669

Number of active miners: 669

最新区块奖励: 12.8004 FIL

Recent block awards: 12,8004 FIL

理论日总产出: 175454 FIL

Total output for theoretical days: 175454 FIL

日理论收益约: 0.19 FIL / T / 天

Day theory gains approximately 0.19 FIL / T / day


The following table shows the return on FILcoin investment:

截止计算之前,FIL均价为 30.38美元,约合人民币199.42元。

Prior to the calculation, the average price of FIL was US$ 30.38 < strong > , which was approximately US$ 199.42.


05. Thor digs

北京时间2020年10月20日22时23分,公链Thor Chain(雷神)正式上线,创世区块才正式诞生。Thor雷神公链的初衷是向比特币致敬,在保留了比特币PoW核心优势之外,并在此基础上对比特币的价值逻辑及发行机制进行了更新,并不断迭代中。

On 20 October 2020, at 2223 hours, Beijing time, the public chain Thor Chain was officially launched, giving birth to the creation block. The original purpose of the Oracle chain was to pay tribute to Bitcoin, in addition to preserving the central advantages of Bitcoin PoW, and on that basis, the Bitco value logic and distribution mechanisms were updated and continued to evolve.


It is worth mentioning that Thor is the world's first two-chained burning public chain, with the token Thor anchoring and storage of two-way values with Odin, and Thor's positive value storage and the reverse value storage of Odin form a two-chain entangled algorithm that guarantees each other's value and delivers it in its ecology.


, who work together, divide themselves and dominate their own innovative positions. Of these, there are seven autonomous pits, including Zeus.


Counting the proceeds of the Thunderbolt pit

上文讲到,Thor作为全球首个双链纠缠燃烧的公链,其计算收益的方式也与上述挖矿不同。雷神挖矿要求每台矿机须质押 10 万 Odin 算力,并在出块时燃烧一定数量的 Odin 币作为燃料(gas)。相对于雷神矿工单人挖矿这种成本高、回本周期长的 SOLO 模式,可将购买的雷神矿机托管到专业的雷神矿场,接入算力规模大的矿池,这样一来,投资才更有保障。

As mentioned above, Thor, as the world's first twin-linking public chain, calculates the proceeds in a different way from the above-mentioned mining.

举个例子,如果你成为雷神矿场的一名矿主,在四川拿到低价电力并建好矿场,根据目前电费综合来看为0.30 元 / 度电,卖给矿工是 0.4 元 / 度电,矿场主从中赚取 0.10元 / 度电的差价 (净利润 33.33%)。假设矿场的托管量大概是 2000 共价值 2000 万的雷神矿机,2000 台一年的总电费大概是 2000 万,那么按照 33.33%的净利润,雷神矿池的收益可观。

For example, if you are a miner at the


宙斯矿池 Thor挖矿收益计算

Zeus pond Thor's mining proceeds are calculated


Take the example of the Zeus pond, where you need to buy pieces of mining machines when you are involved in digging at Thor, and a Zeus ZeUS miner is divided into 140 pieces of single 500 U. The formula is as follows: the user mine recovery = the user’s total production of the miner *Thor price – the cost of buying the miner. The more the fragments are purchased, the more the full network is held and the natural gains are increased.


Calculating Miner Proceeds




gives 288 pieces per day (one block in five minutes) with 50 Thor incentives per block before half-life. currently calculates the yield of 288*50/5300 per miner;

3.另外,每出一个块需要使用另外一条链的原生代币(ODIN)作为燃料,矿工挖矿需要 Odin 的算力抵押及准备一定数量的 Odin 原生币。

In addition, requires the use of another chain of native ingenuity (ODIN) as fuel


According to the current Thor data:


Recent block height: 4096525.


Network power: 30.97 MHz/s


All-web miners: 5300


Total net output: 12672


Net block incentives: 633600Thor


Current time out: 5min


Total theoretical day output: 2.72 Thor


Day of theoretical gain: approximately 46.43 days


The following is the theoretical schedule of returns on Thor's investment in mining.

截止计算之前,Thor价格为 26.96美元,折合人民币177元。

Prior to the cut-off, Thor's price was US$ 26.96, equivalent to RMB 177.


Hal Finny began digging with his IBM computer, and, in the absence of competitors, he dug up up up to 100 bitcoins a day, an attempt that made him the first miner in Bitcoin's history. To pay tribute to the Torret chain in Bitcoin, whose mining proceeds were the same as those of the early bitcoin, and which would repeat the history of bitcoin mining dividends.


The upstream position of the mining industry cannot be shaken


The current mining costs are still relatively low in history, and short-term fluctuations in slow cattle prices are a great test for currency users, but do not have much to do with miners'returns, but rather shorten the recovery cycle of mining and allow miners to reap the maximum return on investment.


挖矿属于行业上游,其技术支撑让其不会因为行情动荡而衰败。不断更新迭代的矿机助力区块链以及矿业往更深更远的方向发展。从全球政策来看,矿业合规是趋势。北美算力全网占比已从年初的4% 涨至7.2%,不少海外优质机构客户也开始斥资采购矿机着手产业布局,相信在不久的将来,全球矿业必迎来更大的突破。

In global policy, mining compliance is a trend. From 4% at the beginning of the year, North America’s full-cost network has risen to 7.2%, and a number of high-quality overseas institutional clients have begun to invest in the purchase of mining machines for industrial deployment, believing that in the near future there will be a greater breakthrough in global mining.




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