
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:60 评论:0
都说乱世买黄金,可近期被视为“数字黄金”的比特币走势却霸气十足尽显“王者风范”,价格一度接近16000美元,并且相当长时间站稳在1.5万美元以上,市场断言一场“静悄悄的牛市”已经来临。All say...



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All say that gold is bought out of nowhere, but the recent movement of bitcoin, which is regarded as “digital gold”, has been so hegemonic that it was once close to $16,000 and has been standing for a considerable period of time at more than $15,000, and the market has asserted that a “silent cow market” has arrived.


As an important infrastructure for digital economic development, block chain technology is leading a new round of technological and industrial changes around the world, and the centralization of Bitcoin’s trading space exchange has become an important node for occupying the high points of the global block chain industry.


block chain technology becomes the dominant feature of global competition


There is no doubt that block-chain technologies are building new productive relationships that are adapted to digital economic development by driving traditional information-to-value Internet leaps. In the context of global economic integration, countries are playing games in various fields, including economics, science, and technology.


China has long begun to organize block-chain technology, with the central and local governments providing significant policy support for block-chain technology. On 24 October last year, the Central Group learned that integrated application of block-chain technology played an important role in new technological innovation and industrial change.


More recently, the important article in the 21st issue of the magazine, “Major issues of the medium- and long-term economic and social development strategy of the country”, published on 1 November, states that “we need to take advantage of the momentum to accelerate the construction of digital economy, digital society and digital government, to promote the optimal upgrading of digitalization in all fields, to participate actively in the development of international rules such as digital currency and digital taxes, and to shape new competitive advantages”.


In this context, China’s block chain technology has advanced dramatically. It is worth mentioning that, as of October of this year, a total of 31264 block chain patents have been applied for worldwide, with over 50,000 patents. Of these, China has 18,987 applications, the United States 6219, the Republic of Korea 2002 applications, with more than 60% China, three times the United States, and Japan 90 times.


On the one hand, major Internet players such as Ali Baba and Tents have taken the lead in achieving breakthroughs in the area of block chains, and have successfully applied multiple fields of landing applications. On the other hand, firms such as the first to master public-chain technologies, such as the currency, have been involved in the global boom in the open union chain to keep China in the lead in the development of the global segmental chain industry.


centralized exchange helps capture the high points of the global block chain industry


After more than a decade of development, block chain technology has extended a complete industrial ecosystem comprising public chains, chains of alliances, digital asset exchanges, digital wallets, mines, ponds, miners, etc. The application of block chain technology has also extended to a number of areas, such as digital finance and digital asset trading, where transactions take place.


There are many views that the 24-hour opening of the digital asset exchange, with no upward or downward restrictions, can easily lead to greater risks of volatility, abusive “air projects” that lead to false asset risks, the anonymity of digital assets that facilitate money-laundering and criminal behaviour, etc.


At the same time, the trading markets, represented by digital assets such as Bitcoin, Taiwan, and USDT, have developed, and the early start and market activity have led to the emergence of exchanges created by Chinese competitors who can compete against the world's leading United States exchange, Coinbase: currency security and coins.


More than seven years after its inception, in 2014 it was the world’s largest trading platform for digital assets, and in 2018-2019 it was maintained, providing hundreds of digital currency transactions. The data show that three Chinese-run transactions – the coin, the currency, and the OKEX – accounted for about 70% of spot transactions.


Since regulation is difficult because of the attributes of the point-to-point payment transfer, a uniform and verifiable regulatory system is needed to effectively regulate transactions in digital assets. At the same time, compliance is a strong guarantee of a healthy and orderly market environment, and regulation of centralized exchanges can help capture the high-levels of the global block chain in a wave of regional chains.

对比来看美国的监管措施,监管方面的政府机构有证券交易委员会、商品期货交易委员会、国会、财政部、司法部、国家税务局、联邦选举委员会、国务部、联邦贸易委员会、政府伦理署等,监管话题集中在消费者保护、监管范围、监管职责、反欺诈、反洗钱、ICO 监管、无牌经营、创新保护、交易所监管、纳税、市场操纵等。

In contrast, regulatory measures in the United States include the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Congress, the Treasury Department, the Department of Justice, the National Tax Administration, the Federal Electoral Commission, the Department of State, the Federal Trade Commission, the Government Ethics Office, etc., which focus on consumer protection, regulatory coverage, regulatory responsibility, anti-fraud, anti-money-laundering, ICO regulation, cardless operations, innovation protection, exchange regulation, taxation, market manipulation, etc.



Since digital assets, such as Bitcoin, were used in the early years mainly to purchase prohibited items, such as drugs, from clandestine networks, money-laundering, fraud, and the use of bitcoin for terrorist acts are now commonplace. Centralization platforms, because of their growing governance model, are able to lock and track grey transactions for the first time before and during their emergence.


Second, a centralized exchange can effectively reduce the risk of fraudulent assets, illicit arbitrage, and money-laundering. In the traditional financial sector, financial institutions can exercise risk control in the course of their operations by sharing or purchasing blacklists of users in the industry.


Finally, it offers the possibility of enabling global finance. The digital renminbi is a future-oriented form of currency, and the emergence of a centralized exchange will help to increase the financial inclusion of the digital renminbi, making logistics, information flows, and financial flows “triple together” on a global scale, thus making financial science and technology truly capable of empowering the real economy and significantly raising the international status of the digital renminbi.


Currently, the application of block-chain technology has been extended to a number of areas, such as digital finance, material networking, smart manufacturing and digital asset trading, which, as an important link in the development of the digital economy, can become a new system for promoting the integration of science, technology and innovation into industrial development.


Editor: Shizuku


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