
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:74 评论:0
“如果人生能够重来,我一定不会选择进入币圈。”回望过去三年的经历,币圈用户张茂(化名)的讲述中充满了沉重的懊悔。& ldquo; I wouldn't choose...



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& ldquo; I wouldn't choose to go into the currency circle if I could come back. ” looking back at the experience of the last three years, there was a lot of regret in the story of the currency circle user Jang Mau.


The currency circle is a thousand years old, and the market labels the virtual currency trading market, which is represented by bitcoin. Unbound up and down, &ldquao; Do more & & & & & & & ; Do more & & & & ; Do more & & & rdquao; Eat two, self-contained contract levers & Hellip; & & Hellip; Virtual currency trading rules, which drive the currency circle crazy.


In March 2020, the volatilized bitcoin began to &ldquao near $3,800; hit bottom & rdquao; bounced back into a two-year & & & & & & & & & ;. Bitcoin surged all the way, pushing the hot virtual currency back into public view.


Behind the scenes of a few years, currency circles have changed, and the fate of countless players has changed. And & ldquo; the myth of wealth & rdquo; and, behind the backs, more money-buying users have paid high tuition fees and left behind only one piece of chicken hair.


has a daily user loss of $800,000


Bear City, Winter & Hellip; & Hellip; is not a good omen for investors in the financial sector.


Since November 2021, the virtual currency market has been experiencing a long winter in Bitcoin’s collapse. The real world has gone into hot summers in the spring.


For three years, Zhang was unable even to give exact figures. & ldquo; $600,000. For too long, there is no way on the trading platform to get a full view of the bill. & & rdquo; Zhang Mau explains. After a brief pause, Zhang added: & ldquo; & if you don't want to, you don't dare. & & rdquao;


But the bill presented by Zhang Mo to Beijing Business Journal clearly recorded that in the six months of 15 January-15 July 2022, Zhang Mao lost $110,000. On the basis of his previous salary, Zhang Mao earned $110,000, which took 24 months. In the midst of the anxiety caused by the sharp loss, Zhang Mo lost his stable job.



In the conglomerates of currency users, there are sometimes high returns. It is sometimes difficult to ask themselves how others do it. Similar to Zhang Mo, for less than four years, the Chinese has lost about 1.7 million yuan. With the exception of 800,000 yuan in principal, the rest of the money comes from borrowing.


After the downfall of $20,000, Bitcoin went down to $3,000, and discussions on “ virtual currency crash & rdquo; and was frequently reported. In the first half of 2019, Bitcoin walked out of the swing, reaching close to $14,000 in June 2019, and then started a new round of collapse.


Virtual currency rises and falls, both & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; currency circles & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; ; ; ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; ; ; & & & & & & & & & &


After March 2020, Bitcoin was in a state of stupendousness, breaking several 10,000-dollar gates and closing 60,000-dollar gates in April 2022. “ Bitcoin is expected to rise by more than $100,000 & rdquo; and the heat of the heat is expected to bring down as fast as possible.


On 19 May 2021, an important day to go back to currency circles, the price of the Bitcoin trade jumped from $43,000 to $29,000, with the highest fall a single day reaching 34%, and the Taiku almost suffered a beheading. On this day alone, nearly 600,000 people exploded, and more than $44 billion of the money was wasted.


& & ldquo; on May 19, I lost nearly $800,000. & & rdquo; & & twu. & twu. It's clear that before May 19, Bitcoin had fallen daily and thought it was possible to return, & & ldquo; do more & & rdquo; & & & ldquo; & tldquo; tweep down, trying to force the bill too late and no one to buy it. After keeping it up, 800,000 went down. & & & rdquo; tw swung.


Exchange is identified as hidden & ldquao; running & rdquao;


Money-fixing is not only a loss of money, but also a ban on bank cards. Money-laundering, which is the result of virtual currency transactions, has been a matter of great concern to the regulators, and banks have scrutinized users’ sources of funding for this purpose.


& & ldquo; For a regular user like us, it is actually difficult to sell a virtual currency to the buyer's source of funds. But it is not going well because the coins are ‘ black money & rsquo; and I have several bank cards sealed. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & ; & & & ; & & & & & & &


When asked if we know that users are prohibited from participating in virtual currency transactions in the country at the moment, there are claims that virtual money trading platforms such as Jang-moo and Zhou-moo, which have been used by them, have been used normally, so there is little sense of the ban. & ldquo; in my user community, there are operators providing daily services. & & rdquo; Cong-language supplement.

根据介绍,从进入币圈以来,张茂、周语使用的一直是被称为全球三大虚拟货币交易所之一的欧易(OKX App)。而周语所在的群名为“OK核心用户群”,群内多人备注为“欧易VIP运营”。这类运营人员会在群内同步欧易公告、上线新币种的推广信息,解答用户提出的问题。同时,还会告知境内用户如何下载使用OKX App,并提供下载链接和渠道。

According to the presentation, since entering the currency circle, the use of the language has been one of the three largest virtual currency exchanges in the world (OKX  App). The name of the language group is “ the core user group of OK” the multi-group note is & ldquo; EuroVIP operates & & rdquo; this type of operator synchronizes within the group the Euro-easy bulletin, the online new currency, and answers questions from users. At the same time, users in the country are informed about how to download the use of OKX  App, and provides download links and channels.


In June 2021, the key words of the three major exchanges were blocked by various search engines and open social platforms, and the officials’ networks were unable to view them. Users downloaded App to a more hidden location.

7月18日,根据周语转发的信息,北京商报记者通过安卓、IOS等两个系统,对OKX App移动端下载进行了实际测试。通过用户群内运营人员提供的链接,安卓端欧易App可直接下载;IOS系统下载需要境外ID,运营人员“贴心”提示,可以在电商平台购买,通过这一方式也可以完成OKX App下载。两种方式下载的平台应用程序,在完成注册、实名认证环节后,均可以进入炒币流程。

On 18 July, according to the information transmitted in the weekly language, the Beijing Business Journal journalists carried out a physical test of OKX  through two systems: Andre and IOS; App's mobile end download. Through links provided by operators in the user community, Andre Endeale App can be downloaded directly; IOS downloads require external ID, operator & ldquo; & rdquo; hints that they can be purchased on the electric platform, which can also be used to complete OKX  and App's download.


& ldquo; As requested by the Central Bank, the offshore virtual currency exchange provides virtual money services to residents in the country via the Internet is an illegal financial activity.


In contrast, Ignorance, a senior financial-sector analyst, Su Na Ri, pointed out that this also indicates that the virtual currency campaign has not yet been completely eliminated in the country, either because the institutions concerned are faced with a high degree of regulation or because users have difficulty in resisting the temptation to engage in speculation.


On July 18, Beijing Business Journal journalists also learned about the situation. Euro-Ie responded that EuroOKX was registered in Seychelles, that in 2021 the Platform had issued a circular on regulatory policy in mainland China, and that it had suspended the network’s access to mainland China, and that App had set up an application market for all mainland China. It was difficult for the Platform to judge users’ access through special web-based means, and would continue to adhere to local laws and regulations in the future.


At the same time, the above-mentioned officials state that it is not possible to determine whether the operators in the community are official and can be verified after providing the relevant information.

对于这一说法,周语则并不认同。周语称,此前其通过OKX App内的客服进入社群,还进行了OKX平台资产核验。平台对于活跃用户较为重视,隔一段时间就会将群内的活跃用户移入到新社群中。

The weekly language does not agree with this statement. It says that it had previously entered the community through OKX  and that it had also carried out the OKX platform asset verification. The platform gives more attention to active users, moving active users within the community into the new community over time.

而另有一名币圈用户告诉北京商报记者,此前其使用的交易平台在2021年末清退了大陆用户,后其通过使用境外ID的方式下载了OKX App,无需通过特殊网络手段也可正常使用。

Another currency user told the Beijing Chamber of Commerce reporter that his trading platform had been removed from the mainland in late 2021, and that it had downloaded OKX  via the use of external IDs; App was not required to use it properly.


away from this & ldquao; the human game & rdquao;


In 2021, virtual currency blasts were frequent, with new heights of Bitcoin and Ether, &ldquao & & & & & rdquao & shit currency & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, and more importantly, four years apart, the domestic regulatory side raised the sword once again to the currency circle.


On 24 September 2021, the Central Bank and 10 other departments issued a circular on the further prevention and treatment of the risks associated with virtual currency transactions, making it clear that virtual currency-related operations were illegal financial activities and that there was a legal risk of users participating in virtual currency investment transactions.


Against this background, Zhou, while reflecting on his participation in the virtual currency campaign, has also targeted losses at the virtual currency exchange. It is recalled that, in the past, Euro-Li’s trading of coins has been accompanied by a number of web-based, untradable transactions that have resulted in user losses.


In response, the E-O-E-Li said that encrypted asset transactions required high-frequency network data transmission and the ability to respond to extreme data peaks. Given the complexity of the network environment, however, the platform could not guarantee that every user was in a seamless network environment and could not access services in the event of a user network loss.


Whether platform users can claim damages from virtual money trading platforms, Lea notes that it is primarily up to the platform to see whether it has a subjective will, and if the platform has deliberately stagnated its transactions by means of stifling, pulling wires, freezing assets, etc., the investor loses a lot of money because it cannot do business. The platform may have bad intentions about illegal possession of the property it claims to have invested, and the act may be suspected of fraud.


Su Nyari argues that there are two possibilities for the platform to be web-based and unusable. One is that the platform itself has a weak level of scientific and technological management that makes it difficult to provide access to a large number of users for short periods of time; the other is that the platform deliberately uses this technology to &ldquao; the cutting of vegetables & rdquao; and, in either case, it is an important manifestation of the platform’s irregularities and security doubts.


Another block chain industry researcher, speaking directly, said that the trading platform & & ldquo; & & rdquo; was more common in the past, often in extreme behaviors. But it was also difficult for users to prove whether the exchange had a subjective will.

2022年5月以来,虚拟货币领域“雷声阵阵”。千亿“币圈茅台”LUNA币闪崩引得币圈大地震,全网虚拟货币遭遇大清洗。用户之外,由此产生的流动性压力也传导至部分虚拟货币交易所。7月2日,加密货币经纪商Voyager Digital宣布,从纽约时间7月1日下午两点起,暂停所有交易、存入、提取和持币奖励。

Since May 2022, virtual currency & & ldquo; thunder arrays & & rdquo; hundreds of billions & & ldquo; currency circles & & rdquo; LUNA currency crashes leading to a huge earthquake in currency circles, resulting in a massive clean-up of virtual currency. Beyond users, the resulting liquidity pressure was passed on to some virtual currency exchanges. On 2 July, the encrypted money broker Voyager & nbsp; and Digital announced the suspension of all transactions, deposits, withdrawals and currency holding awards from 2 p.m. New York time on 1 July.


Under the pressure of loss, Zhang Mau and Xiao Quixiang ceased their participation in virtual currency transactions in June, and when it comes to considering whether to do so later, Zhang Quixiang responded that if they could come back, they would not choose to enter the currency circle. They would also be persuaded to stay away from the currency for friends around them. And, in Chinese, it would be very difficult for anyone to get out of it, and it would be better not to be involved.


Some have retreated. It is foreseeable that the internal blow to the virtual currency and its associated campaign will not ease. The Beijing newspaper journalists have also learned from regulators that current regulators are constantly testing activities such as virtual currency distribution, &ldquao; mining and & rdquao; and so on, suggesting that users should be more aware of risks and stay away from such speculation.


In the same vein, Sioux suggested that, from the & & & & & & & & & & & & of various policies, it would appear that the virtual coins are not in line with the mainstream and pose a great risk to its own funds. It would suggest that participating investors recognize the situation and stay away from the veneer currency market, where there are complex and policy risks.


Beijing Chamber of Commerce and Industry Financial Investigation Unit




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