
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:70 评论:0
以太经典,英文全称为Ethereum Classic,简称为ETC,它是一个去中心化的智能合约平台,拥有完全按照程序运行的应用程序,保留了经典版本未经修改的历史,免受外部干扰和主观篡改交易。The Etherian classic, fu...



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以太经典,英文全称为Ethereum Classic,简称为ETC,它是一个去中心化的智能合约平台,拥有完全按照程序运行的应用程序,保留了经典版本未经修改的历史,免受外部干扰和主观篡改交易。

The Etherian classic, fully known as Etherum Classic in English, short of ETC, is a decentralised intellectual contract platform with applications that are fully run in accordance with procedures, with unmodified versions of the classic history, free from outside interference and subjective manipulation of transactions.



The ETC is the original chain of ETH, and many people mistakenly believe that it is the original chain, that it is the only new chain that has developed beyond the original chain, and that it has been gradually marginalized and forgotten since 2017, when ETH gave a single key to the Eurofire.

以太经典创始人IGOR ARTAMONOV,也是CTO,自2001年就开始进行软件开发,超过16年的专业经验,所涉及领域包括:可扩展、分布式和容错的云应用程序、存储和处理大数据、安全性及加密等。

Founder of the Ether Classic, Igor ARRTAMONOV, and also CTO, began software development in 2001 with more than 16 years of professional experience in areas such as scalable, distributed and faulty cloud applications, storage and processing of big data, security and encryption.

他从一开始就加入了Ethereum Classic,一直致力于技术组织部分,并创建了gastracker.io,目前,正全力致力于ETC的发展,并为ETC未来技术发展筹建一支开发团队。

He has been a member of the Etheum Classic from the beginning, has been working on the technical organization component and has created the Gastracker.io, and is now fully committed to the development of the ETC and to preparing a development team for its future technological development.

以太经典顾问MATTHEW MAZUR是ETC货币政策改进协议ECIP-1017的作者,加密货币信仰者,2013年进入比特币领域,2014年进入以太坊社区,拥有10年航空领域工作背景,主要工作经验在商业发展。

MATTHEW MAZUR, an Ether-class consultant, is the author of the ETC monetary policy improvement agreement ECIP-1017, an encrypted currency believer who entered the area of Bitcoin in 2013, into the community of Etheria in 2014, with a 10-year working background in the field of aviation, with major work experience in business development.

以太经典项目经理DARCY RENO专注产品的技术专家,在战略和执行方面表现出众,并且融入自己的行业愿景,Darcy拥有多年的系统工程经验,对于如何带领团队走向成功有着丰富的经验。

With many years of experience in systems engineering, Darcy has a wealth of experience in how to lead teams to success.


The strength of the Ether Classic team in technological development, without doubt and, more importantly, on the ground, is more valuable than the excellent community operations and public relations attractions of the project manager, creating a solid backup for team development!

通证名称:Ethereum Classic

Pass name: Etheeum Classic

发行日期 2015-11-01

Date of issue 2015-11-01

初始价格 $0.7523

Initial price $ 0.7523


Current price: $56.3

最大供应量:210,000,000 ETC

Maximum supply: 210,000,000 ETC

流通量:110,853,658 ETC

In circulation: 110,853,658 ETC


Market value ranking: 18


Previous exchange: 143


Core algorithm: based on an Etherno smart contract

激励机制:Proof of Work (PoW)

Incentives: Proof of Work (PoW)

以太坊(ETH)和以太经典(ETC)是硬分叉的典型案例,The DAO计划基于以太坊智能合约建立一个众筹平台,于2016年5月正式发布,截止当年6月,募集资金超过1.6亿美元。

Ether and Ether Classic (ETC) are typical examples of hard-fork cases, and The DAO plans to create a public fund-raising platform based on the Etherfield Smart Contract, which was officially launched in May 2016, raising more than $160 million as of June of that year.

之后,The DAO被黑客利用智能合约的漏洞,转移了市值五千万美元的以太币,为了挽回投资者资产,以太坊社区投票表决决定将更改以太坊代码,希望索回资金。

Subsequently, the DAO was diverted by hackers using the loopholes of smart contracts, with a market value of NT$50 million, and in order to recover investors'assets, the Taipan community voted to change the TPIN code and hope to recover the funds.


To this end, the Ether was able to make a hard split in block #1920,000 and roll back all of the Ethers (including those held by hackers), but there were some who believed that the Etherm practice was contrary to the de-centralization and inalienability of the block chain and insisted on mining on the original chain, thus forming two chains.


An original chain - the Ether Classic (ETC) - which does not recognize rollback transactions, and a new chain which recognizes rollback transactions, namely, the Ether Room (ETH), each representing different community consensus and values, the person holding the ETH and the Ether at the time of the break-off will hold the Ether at the same time after the break-off.


At that time, the Etheraya community had three options:


1- Inaction — Nothing — “The code is the law” is an indispensable part of many supporters of the Inflexible Block Chain of Ether, mainly those groups that insist on ETC, most of whom are dissatisfied with the disappearance of $50 million and therefore decide to act and vote elsewhere.


2. Soft fork: The soft fork essentially leaves the holder the option of renewal, the concept behind the soft fork is to isolate all the blocks that contain the hacker trade in order to prevent them from moving the stolen Ether, and there is a disadvantage to the soft fork, which leads to a “denial service” strike vector, which is essentially a manipulation of how miners are rewarded in the Ether ecosystem.


3. Hard fork: The main difference between a soft fork and a hard fork is that a hard fork does not allow interactive interaction between updated and unrenewed holders or with users of the new system if you do not join the upgraded block chain.

最终社区选择了硬分叉,我们今天所知道的ETH在#1920000区块高度从主区块链中分离出来,这就是硬分叉,硬分叉帮助退还了投资DAO的所有人,使用所谓的退款智能合约。每100 DAO的令牌持有者获得1个ETH,以太坊的联合创始人加文伍德称这一时刻是“自比特币诞生以来加密货币历史上最重要的一刻”。

In the end, the community chose the hard fork, and what we know today is that the ETH is separated from the chain of the main block at #192,000, which is the hard fork, which helps to return all those who invested in DAO, using the so-called refunded smart contracts. Every card holder of 100 DAO gets an ETH, and Gavinwood, the co-founder of the Tails, calls this "the most important moment in the history of encrypt currency since Bitcoin was born".


Since ETH and ETC are the same origins of the two chains, their underlying technologies and protocols are highly similar, but their long-term vision is very different and, more accurately, the Ether Classic is not related to publication, but to object networking.


ETC would not try to compete with his big brother, to become a financing platform for financial enterprises and to monetize the entire encrypted world. Instead, they were working to perfect smart contracts for the network.


Encrypted money enables all devices connected to the Internet to be traded according to the value of smart contracts. There are many potentials in this area. For the sake of social progress, this is definitely a goal that we should pursue. In the future, we might have Siri tip the waitress or set up our refrigerators to automatically order our favorite vegetables when they run out.


The Ether Classic (ETC) development team has adhered to the values defined in the block chain and to the original original intent of Ether, a decentralised platform that runs no fraud opportunities and reviews behavior or programming applications of third-party intervention.


The history of Ether and Ether is deeply rooted in the fact that, although technically very similar chains form a competitive relationship, the course of development of the two is quite different, and that the current Ether currency is about 100 million, with no monetary ceilings, while the EtC has long announced a new monetary policy, which is what many call a reduction in output, and the EtC will remain at $210 million, not more than 230 million.


The main competitor of the ETC should be in the field of material networking, such as IOTA, which is not essentially a block chain, but an ecological extension of the block chain, the introduction of a completely new Tangle distributed booking technology, the resolution of the problems of global network congestion and high transaction costs by providing a transaction layer with zero fees for data and value transmission, and the current market value in the area of block chain networking, where cooperation has been established with a number of leading players in the scientific and technological industry.


IOTA is not a traditional block chain, there is no smart contract, values are transferred to a non-circle map, there are no mining, block generation and validation processes that can significantly reduce energy consumption, but there is a low level of stability and safety recognition.


Final summary


Technically, there is a certain difference between ETC and ETH, and the ETC has always adhered to the principle of the immutable recording of the block chain, which is the most fundamental difference between ETC and ETH. Since ETC had earlier upheld the decentralisation and non-diversion of the block chain by adhering to the unreversible chain of genuine transactions, it was true that the purpose of ETC's existence was to preserve the pre-several rules and features of the ETC and to maintain the centralization and non-reversibility of the block chain in order to make the true transaction irreversible.


In terms of investment, the ETC seems to be slowly shrinking in comparison with other encrypted worlds in terms of market value, and the ETC is even known as the King of Guns, who, to the contrary, will fall every time it rises, with few exceptions, which is why most people reject ETC, believing that with the landing of important applications such as the side chain and the network of things, the Etherm will again be the focus of attention.




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