
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:103 评论:0
关于Metaverse,维基百科是这样定义的:Metaverse是一个集体虚拟共享空间,由虚拟增强的物理现实和物理持久的虚拟空间融合而创造,包括所有虚拟世界、增强现实和互联网的总和。简单的说,元宇宙是Web3.0时期的数字世界。With r...



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With respect to Metaverse, Wikipedia is defined as this: Metaverse is a collective virtual sharing space created by a virtual, enhanced physical reality and a physical, lasting virtual space that encompasses all virtual worlds, the consolidation of reality and the sum of the Internet. In short, the metacosystem is the digital world of the Web 3.0 years.


Non-consistency tokens (NFTs) are defined in Google as data units stored on block chains that demonstrate that assets are unique and therefore cannot be exchanged. NFTs can usually be digital assets of a photo, video, audio and other type.

在标准层面上,同质化代币的标准一般为ERC-20,非同质化代币的标准一般为ERC-721、ERC-1155,尤以ERC-721居多。ERC-20的各个Token是相同的,可互换;ERC-721 Token在区分代币时增加了一个进一步识别的元素,正式这个可识别元素使得一些特殊领域得以获得突破性发展,例如:虚拟收藏品和艺术品、游戏等。

At the standard level, the criterion for homogenization of tokens is generally ERC-20, while the criteria for non-assimilation of tokens are ERC-721 and ERC-1155, in particular more than ERC-721. Each ERC-20 token is the same and interchangeable; the ERC-721 Token adds a further identifying element to the distinction between tokens, which officially allows for breakthroughs in specific areas, such as virtual collections and works of art, games, etc.


Meteaverse’s relationship with NFT: NFT is part of the ecosystem in the meta-cosm. In future meta-cosm ecosystems, homogenous assets should coexist with non-homogenous assets. For example, Roblox, the first meta-cosm concept unit in NASDAQ, contains a variety of NFT assets, such as virtual images, decorative props, and homogenous assets, Robux.


Recently, Gartner released the 2021 new technological maturity curve, adding new NFTs this year and placing NFTs in a period of expected expansion.



If the development period of NFT is further refined, it can probably be divided into the budding period, the exploration period, the development period, and the expansion period.



At the standard level, the first recognized NFT project in the industry was CryptoPunks, born in June 2017, with 10,000 punks issued through an improved version of the ERC20 contract. These punks are completely different artistic images of 24*24-bit-sized pixels, and CryptoPunks officially presents the images as encrypted assets.



Following CryptoPunks, NFT soon arrived at its first more extensive exploration period.


In November 2017, Dapper? Labs, inspired by CryptoPunks, officially launched the ERC721 standard dedicated to the construction of non-homogenous tokens, followed by the CryptoKittys encryption cat game.

CryptoKitties是一个基于以太坊运行的电子加密猫的养成与繁殖游戏。基于技术和经济模式的创新,CryptoKitties快速走红,成为当时的市场热点。在最疯狂的时期,创世猫4号卖出了250 ETH的天价。

CryptoKittys is based on


Genesis Cat 4.


CryptoKittys, which once accounted for more than 16% of the trade flows of the Etherm network, caused a serious congestion of the Etherm network. This, of course, partly reflects the fact that the technological fundamentals of the time were not sufficient to support the large-scale development of the NFT chain.



Following the heat cooling in CryptoKittys, the NFT area has followed the entire crypto-currency industry into a period of gradual adjustment, and the prices of the various categories of NFTs have gradually entered a period of value regression.


During this period, entrepreneurs who are convinced of NFT values are still insisting on building infrastructure in the NFT field. These include Opensea, SuperRare, Decentraland, which are now well-known NFT platforms have been established and developed in this period.


2020年,数字艺术家Beeple在佳士得以6934万美元的价格创纪录拍卖《Everydays:The?First?5000 Days》。这个标志性事件,正式宣告NFT进入期望膨胀期。

In 2020, digital artist Beaple was awarded a record price of $69.34 million for the auction " Everydays: The? First? 5000 Days ". This landmark event officially declared NFT to be in a period of rising expectations.



In 2021, Axie?Infinity's sales data and pro-rich effects again led to the explosion of the entire NFT market.


The involvement of the industrial and capital sectors is expected to contribute to the further development of NFT:


In the industrial sector, more and more prominent companies are starting to lay out Metaverse/NFT. Traditional businesses are dominated by Metaverse, including NVIDIA, Roblox, Facebook, tether, etc. The block chain projects are dominated by NFT, including Flow, Polygon, Dapper? Labs, etc.


In terms of the capital circle, there has been an upsurge in financing in the NFT area. Both the number of financing cases and the amount invested reflect an outbreak in the NFT area.



It needs to be noted that if, according to the Gartner emerging technological maturity curve, NFTs are about to enter a “disillusion period” after the booming period. The IYBL believes that NFT-level bubbles may have experienced “optimal mismatches” with infrastructure bubbles in the previous few years, and that the current NFT-based bubbles are mainly reflected in the price bubbles of some NFTs in secondary markets.


In the field of NFTs, the industrial ecology of NFTs can be divided into: infrastructure layers , including the Layer1 public chain and the Layer2 side chain; NFT tiers , which refer mainly to distribution agreements for various types of NFTs; and derivatives layers , which include, inter alia, financial derivative agreements around NFTs, community governance agreements, data analysis and processing agreements, currency transfer and trading agreements.



1, infrastructure level


The Layer 1 level agreements in NFT mainly include Etherum, Flow, Solana, Terra, BSC, etc. The Layer 2 tiers include, inter alia, Polygon, ENJIN, WAX, RONIN, and others.

Flow的团队同步开发了NBA Top Shot

Flow's team synchronized the development of NBATop Shot


Flow is a public chain built specifically for the next generation of applications, games and related digital assets.

Solana NFT联盟正准备建立基于Solana的通用技术标准

Solana NFT Alliance is preparing to establish generic technical standards based on Solana


On August 10, the Solara? NFT coalition. The immediate priority of the Solara?NFT coalition is to jointly promote common standards between the NFT projects based on Solana. Because one of the key factors for the success of the Taikus is the adoption of common technical standards for major projects across the ecosystem (e.g., ERC20, ERC721), and the lack of such standards in Solana, if not, the very difficult linkages between the agreements will make it difficult to sustain the strong growth rate of Solana.


In addition, Alameda?Reseach has invested in a number of NFT start-up projects. For example, Star?Atlas, Only 1.


Second Layer Network Protocol Polygon's NFT Ecology is already on the scale of


Polygon is a two-tier network protocol focusing on DeFi, games, and NFT. In Polygon ecology, there are a lot of small-scale NFT projects.



The GameFi project on Polygon


In the field of digital collections: Aavegotchi, Terra?Virtual, Zed? Run, etc.; in the area of GameFi: MOBOX, Decentral? Gomes, etc.



The NFT tiers vary according to the specific NFTs and are divided into multiple categories, including, inter alia:


Art collections: CryptoPunks, NBA? Top?Shot, Bored?Ape?Yacht?Club, Art?Blocks, etc.;


NFT games: Axie?Infinity, Zed?Run, The?Sandbox, Sorare, etc.;


Virtual space categories: Decentraland, Somnium?Space, Alien?Words, R-Planet, etc.



Derivative layers, mainly ecological roles derived from NFTs, such as:

金融衍生:NFTfi、Punks?Comic、inSure DeFi;

Financial derivatives: NFTfi, Punks?Comic, insure DeFi;


NFT Manager Tool: NFT?Bank;


Community governance: Whale? DAO, Flaming? DAO;


Data analysis and processing: Cryptoart.ai, Non-fungible;


It is important to note that NFT derivative applications are not necessarily NFTs per se, but they also play a very important role in the industrial ecology of NFT and play a positive role in the development of NFT.


With the further development of the NFT industry, the various ecological roles of the NFT industry are expected to be further refined.


After entering 2021, Metaverse became a hot topic in the Internet industry and NFT in the block chain industry.



Metaverse has been able to detonate technology, games and creative ventures, thanks mainly to two things: the pre-market power of Roblox and the $1 billion financing of Epic?Games.


After Metaverse became a topic of intense discussion in the media, Facebook, NVIDIA, tweets, etc. were posted on Metaverse.


first share of Roblox


Roblox was founded in 2012 as a platform for the creation of large, multi-person online games to create mini-games. In March of this year, Roblox made a successful landing at the New Exchange. As can be seen in his collection book, they defined eight elements for the meta-cosmos: identity, friends, immersion, low delay, pluralism, locality, economic systems and civilization.



Roblox officially provides games engines and software tools that support users to use Studio to create small games of all kinds, most of which are paid for, with players making kryptonium in all kinds of games, and creators reaping some of the benefits. In the first quarter of this year, Roblox generated $387 million in revenues and paid $118 million to all developers on the platform.


Roblox also has a social atmosphere in which users can add friends to each other and chat, and users can decorate themselves by purchasing virtual images and various props. In addition, the Roblox platform has a platform currency that stabilizes the exchange rate, Robux.


Through this combination of social + game + platform currency economies, Roblox can meet the demand for people to work, play and consume in the virtual world, thus presenting a classic metaverse ecology.

NVIDIA Omniverse

NVIDIA Omniverse是英伟达于今年四月推出的面向企业的实时仿真和协作平台,被称为“工程师的元宇宙”。基于Pixar通用场景描述和NVIDIA RTX,性能强大,专用于处理3D制作流程。

NVIDIA Omniverse is a business-oriented platform for real-time simulation and collaboration, known as the “Engineer's metacosystem”, launched by British Weida in April of this year. Based on the Pixar General Scene and NVIDIA RTX, the performance is strong and dedicated to processing 3D production processes.

在Omniverse的测试版期间,已经有超过17000名客户进行了测试体验,包括宝马、爱立信、沃尔沃、Adobe、Epic Games在内的众多公司都正参与Omniverse合作。

During the Omniverse test version, more than 17,000 clients have been tested, and numerous companies, including BMW, Ericsson, Volvo, Adobe, Epic Gomes, are involved in Omniverse.


NVIDIA Omniverse比较倾向于底层技术支持平台,它可以连接众多内容创作应用,支持他们创造或设计数字资产,包括图片、视频等等。

NVIDIA Omniverse prefers a bottom-level technology support platform that connects many content creation applications and supports them in creating or designing digital assets, including pictures, videos, etc.



黄仁勋在GTC线上峰会使用了14秒的数字替身,以展示NVIDIA Omniverse技术带来的奇幻的虚拟世界。

The Huang In-hoon summit on the GTC line used 14 seconds of digital doubles to showcase the fantastic virtual world brought about by NVIDIA Omniverse technology.


pays for NFT products on the line

2021年6月,支付宝在蚂蚁链粉丝粒小程序上线 “敦煌飞天”、“九色鹿”付款码皮肤等NFT产品,一经上线迅速被抢光。其中,“敦煌飞天”NFT产品在二手交易平台一度被炒作至150万元的天价。

In June 2021, NFT products, such as NFTs, were taken out of line at the ants' chain fan-bullet program, as soon as they went online. Among them, NFT products were once fired at a second-hand trading platform for $1.5 million.


Discovery of NFT transaction software


On 2 August 2021, the NFT trade software, the Mirage Nuclear APP, was officially launched under the flag with an initial deadline for the sale of 300 “Speaking 13 Invitations” digital art collection, NFT.


The bottom-of-the-line technology platform of the phantom block chain is the “to-letter chain,” which is a coalition created by Steam, NetAnn, and Maple. More than a dozen credible institutions from all walks of life have joined as nodes. According to the software downloads page, users can purchase non-alterable and indivisible digital cultural goods in the phantom app, and user interests will be permanently recorded in the chain.

此外,腾讯参投了Roblox的G轮融资,并独家代理Roblox中国区产品发行。腾讯还收购Epic Games40%股份,估值高达287亿美元。Epic也是一个和Roblox差不多的游戏平台。

In addition, Tseng participated in Roblox’s G-round financing and was the sole agent for Roblox’s distribution of products in China. Tseng also acquired 40% of Epic Games, valued at $28.7 billion. Epic is also a game platform similar to Roblox.


Looking at the meta-cosmos layout of the above-mentioned well-known Internet companies, the foreign Internet giants are predominantly in the direction of technical support and games, and the domestic Internet giants are predominantly in the direction of copyright enforcement.



Unlike the Internet industry's greater focus on the “placed” layout of the meta-cosm industry, the NFT project in the block chain industry is more focused on building NFT value carriers and providing NFTs with liquidity.


ChryptoPunks: One-day transactions over $100 million


CryptoPunks is a digital art experiment launched by Larvalabs on the Etherkom block chain in 2017 to pay tribute to punk art in London in the early 1970s. Larvalbabs has only two developers, Matt and John.



CryptoPunks has generated 10,000 24*24 pixel art images of NFT through algorithms, and each punk pixel header has his own information, including their properties and ownership and flow information. The developers keep the top 1,000, while the remaining 9,000 are free for all punk pixel heads.


CryptoPunks initially had few collectors and, with the development of the NFT market, CryptoPunks had seen a blow-out increase in sales, even exceeding $100 million a day, once exceeding Axie?Infinity's sales to the top of the market.

Axie Infinity:总销售额排名第一的NFT游戏

Axie Infinity: First highest NFT game in total sales

Axie Infinity是一款基于以太坊区块链的,类似Pokemon的游戏,玩家可以购买称为Axies的数字宠物,这些Axies是以NFTs(非同质化代币)的形式存在,玩家可以饲养、繁殖和交易这些Axies,也可使用它们与其他玩家进行战斗。

Axie Infinity is a Pokemon-like game based on the Tehwan block chain, where players can buy digital pets called Axies, which exist in the form of NFTs (non-homogenous tokens), and where players can raise, reproduce and trade these Axies, or use them to fight with other players.

Axie作为一款区块链游戏,在工作和娱乐的交叉领域开创了一个全新的模式:Play to Earn。高利润刺激了Axie在东南亚国家的高速发展,以菲律宾为例,大量当地人在传统行业每天仅赚5美元,通过Axie却能日赚20美元。

As a block chain game, Axie has created an entirely new model in the cross-cutting area of work and entertainment: Play to Earn. High profits have stimulated the rapid development of Axie in South-East Asia, where, for example, in the Philippines, a large number of locals earn only $5 a day in traditional industries and $20 a day through Axie.


Axie is currently the highest-income NFT game in the block chain and has been at the top of the sales list for a long time.


Axie协议产生收益的方式:当玩家在该游戏中的市场上购买和出售Axie NFTs时,Axie协议会收取4.25%的费用,且当玩家繁殖Axies以创造新的宠物时,Axie协议也将以本地代币的形式(AXS和SLP)收取费用。

The Axie protocol generates benefits: when the player buys and sells Axie NFTs on the market in the game, the Axie agreement charges 4.25 per cent, and when the player reproduces Axis to create new pets, the Axie agreement will also charge fees in the form of local tokens (AXS and SLP).


With regard to the development prospects of the Yuan cosmos and NFT, the Institute of Ideal Block Chains has the following two considerations:


1, the breakthrough development of Layer2 will become the infrastructure for an NFT outbreak


The demand at the application level often challenges the technology and performance of infrastructure. For example, DeFi’s business needs, such as chain transactions, chain savings, and lending, challenge how the price of assets in the chain anchors the price of assets under the chain in real time, and stimulate the demand for predictors.


The explosion in CryptoKittys in 2017, which led to the congestion of the Etheria network, has in part spurred the Etherian community to accelerate the pace of expansion. With the advancement of ETH 2.0 and the breakthrough development of the Layer2 network, represented by Polygon, the distribution and trade of art collections, games and virtual spaces, public utility applications in the NFT field will no longer be subject to technical and performance constraints and are expected to increase.


2, Metaverse could destabilize the online socialization of humanity


At the technical level, the meta-cosm will be a confluence of new and emerging technologies. The concept of Metaverse, a term created in the 1992 anti-Utopian novel Avalanche, has finally become a new race after two decades of competition between Internet giants and block-link starters, with VRs, ARs, 5Gs, block chains, cloud computing, DeFi, NFT, and stable currency.


VR/AR will be a manifestation of the meta-cosmos, with 5G as data transmission technology for the meta-cosmos. Block chains and cloud computing are the underlying technologies for the meta-cosm, and stable currency, NFT and DeFi together constitute the meta-cosmos economic and financial systems.


From all stages of the NFT project, the NFT project has gradually infiltrated the production and life levels from the entertainment level. The first stars projects, CryptoPunks and CryptoKittys, are also simply “recreational”, and the recently hot Axie?Infinity and Roblox have initially been able to combine “recreation” with “production”.


In the near future, Metaverse may eventually form an ecology that combines “recreation”, “production” and “life”, ultimately destabilizing the online socialization of humankind.




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